St. Mary's Church, Winthorpe
Walk Distance: Approx 7 1/2 miles
Walk 2 - Coastal, open countryside and woodland
Walk distance: Approx 5 miles.

A level walk proceeding north along the sea defence. We walk into open countryside passing the Medieval Church of St. Mary. We complete the walk in beautiful woodland. There is one convenience store and two public houses on the route for refreshments. Boots and long trousers recommend as some areas may have long grass and little walked.


Our walk begins at Skegness Pier and we proceed north (sea on the right side). Follow the waterway foot path, a few yards inland from the sea defence. This interesting pathway meanders with the water way which it crosses several times over small bridges. Beautiful gardens, bowling greens and pleasant foreshore views are enjoyed on the left side. Arriving at the north end of the promenade, continue north along either the beach or sea defence walkway. After about 1/3 mile, observe the North Shore Hotel - the last building on the left side. At this point, the walk along the sea defence is private property and walkers are advised to proceed along the beach. After about 1/2 mile look for steps in the sea defence, and an opening in the sand dunes, providing access to a public footpath (known locally as "Granny's Walk") that crosses North Shore Golf Course.

At Roman Bank (main road) look for pedestrian crossing. Cross the road and turn left. Turn left into Church Lane (there is a small convenience shop on the corner for refreshment). After about 1/3 mile, turn right into Martin Way. After a short distance turn left into Janathan Drive and then right into Daniel close. The exit is a grassy opening at the end of the road.

Skegness Waterway
Skegness Waterway
Sea defense
Sea Defence
Granny's Walk
Granny's Walk
Rural Countryside

Follow the grassy track to the left, observing St. Mary's Church on the left side. Walk along the track towards the Church. The Charnwood pub on the right is ideal for a drink or meal. At this point you can cut the walk short and proceed to the Church,and rejoin on the next page. Alternatively we visit a water drainage system with interesting wildlife.

Take a slightly overgrown signposted public footpath at the back of the Charnwood pub in a westerly direction. Proceeding along a farm track, into an open field, after a short distance we arriva at a drain, where the track turns right and then, shortly left, crossing the drain. Once over the drain turn left, observing grassy banks to the front and right side. This area is landscaped to absorb excessive surface storm water and contains shallow boggy ponds. The area provides a natural habitat for wading birds and other aquatic animals. The walk may be extended by exploring this area in depth.

Exit rear of Charnwood
Exit rear of Charnwood pub.
A Walk
Drainage system
Drain crossing

We can either retrace the walk back to the Charnwood pub, returning to St. Mary's Church or take Church Lane (on the south), turning left in the direction of the Church. Proceed east and at a sharp bend take a track through a field on the right hand side.

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